House Hunting - Agonies, Calosity and Somersault
All property dealers are beyond moronic comprehension. If you ask them for an apartment, they'll lead you to a pent house. Asking for an independent house will lead you to an abandoned shack of phone booth in the middle of nowhere. And their monthly earnings will constitue your house rent. Again, no exaggeration and it only gets worse if you say "Telugu raadhu" (translates to "I do not know Telugu") in a natively incomprehensible accent.
All security guards come handy...of prospective apartments and of those you live in. Befriend them, salute back, fold your hands in namaste, do an elaborate bharatanatyam vanakkam or at the least smile on your entry and exit. They'll voluntarily offer information and very useful ones at that. I do not bribe (or tip - if that's how you wish to clothe it) them. You may choose to, if you think your lips can't do the extra mile. But, do it at your own risk.
All watchmen are skilled labor...they excel in logging Zs.
Personal disclaimer: This is MY space. I speak my mind and experience. If you have a problem with it, do I look like I care? If you are still encouraged to rebel, leave me a note. :-)
Ever Since I arrived In hyd(and its just been a fortnight), I kinda am facing the same idiosycrasies in my quest for an abode...
And About the question of objecting to you speaking your mind,,, I feel its your space I respect it..
So so all level heads.
And Happy hunting!
(Leave a few leads vis-a-vis the hunt on the blog if you will)
30.45 N,76.48 E, at 7:06 AM
aaah... that agnozing hunt.... been there....done that... and more, I can safely say!!
*almost fainted. Saw new entries on the extinct MAWA blog.
pr!tz, at 11:13 AM
Dear Mr fortnight (sowwie, didnt knw watta call u or do i have options wen u chose not to reveal your name or profile)
The best bet, if you wish to stay alone is to find an apartment in a decent society. You'll find a lot of do-gooders next door, across the block, in tiers up n below, et al.
Plumber, carpenter, electrician, watchman, all take their own sweet time to visit you and decide to accede and execute tasks. Learn to do your own job...for all you know, you may soon be dealing part-time in basic repairs for fellow city-dwellers.
P.D: Take all of it with a generous pinch of salt n pepper. The author has troubles talking straight and to the point.
P.S: If you are looking for a house, I can mail you whenever I hear from this mailing list I subscribe to.
Shivranjini Krishnamurthy, at 11:12 PM
Hello David
Thanks for stopping by.
"content writing and publishing": That interests me. Tell me more about it sometime.
I visited your blog and I really like your eye for detail. I have a friend (Pritz) who does it all the time.
I believe such people are really gifted.
Keep blogging! :)
Shivranjini Krishnamurthy, at 1:24 AM
hi there!! just dropped in to say hi!!! house hunting is such a pain!!! it does drive me nuts!! there is only so much you can concentrate on at one point of time!!!
_, at 3:28 AM
Apologies for not revealing my identity.
I blog at
Well i am not too sure i got a hold of that cryptic talk about the newsletter list.
Can i subscribe to it too.
And well, I heard the watchmen(apartments) have an understanding with the agents, so theyll never reveal if there is any space available..Have you experienced that?
30.45 N,76.48 E, at 7:01 AM
Your post brings back memories of my house hunting days when I moved to Hyd a little over two years ago. Well, I'm given to believe things are a lot worse now (it's always the "good" ole days..) but even in those days, I took my own sweet time trying to get the perfect place to live in. It's been two years and although it still looks like a bachelor pad with little furniture, I'm in love with this apartment.
My point being, take your time but get a place you like. It's a bitch to move again.
On a tangent, as I learned well into my days in this city, "Telugu Radhu" literally translated is "Telugu doesn't come". The literal translation of "I don't know Telugu" would be "Telugu Telidu".
Other key phrases that I picked up in Telugu are best used only when frustrated at a crazy auto-driver hence shall refrain from adorning your page with them.
Good luck with the hunt.
Amateur Blogger, at 1:24 PM
Awwwww..........!!! You complimented me!! *blush*
pr!tz, at 1:55 AM
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